Windows software list

Install chocolately :

chocolately (to install the following packages) -y … accepts all installation changes Open open powershell as admin

Software NameCommand
Chromechoco install -y googlechrome
Firefoxchoco install -y firefox
Notepad++choco install -y notepadplusplus
Lastpasschoco install -y lastpass
OfficeInstall office from
Onenotechoco install -y onenote
Teamschoco install -y microsoft-teams.install
Onedrive for business
GITchoco install -y git
Git extensionchoco install -y gitextensions
Adobe Acrobat Readerchoco install -y adobereader
7zipchoco install -y 7zip.install
VLCchoco install -y vlc
Puttychoco install -y putty.installSkip for now … use mobaXTerm
Skypechoco install -y skype
Teamviewerchoco install -y teamviewer
Python3choco install -y python3Skipping for now
Paint.netchoco install -y
WinDirStatchoco install -y windirstat
Spotifychoco install -y spotifyAutomatically installs?
Rchoco install -y r.projectSkipping for now
R studiochoco install -y r.studioSkippping for now
Beyond Comparechoco install -y beyondcompare
MobaXtermchoco install -y mobaxterm
Seliumchoco install -y selenium-chrome-driverSkipping for now
Hugochoco install -y hugoSkipping for now
Visual studio Codechoco install -y vscode.installCREATE AN INSTALLATION LIST OF PLUGINS
Kodichoco install -y kodiSkipping for now
Doxygenchoco install -y doxygen.portableSkipping for now
Zoterochoco install -y zotero
Agentransackchoco install -y agentransack
Visual studiochoco install -y visualstudio2019community
Path Copy Copychoco install -y path-copy-copy
Filezillachoco install -y filezilla
irfanchoco install -y irfanview
SQLlite for now
choco install -y sqlitebrowser
Anacondachoco install –y anaconda3CREATE AN INSTALLATION LIST OF PACKAGES
nodejschoco install -y nodejsSkipping for now
HTTrackchoco install -y httrackSkipping for now
WSLwsl –install
trackingtime for now
Screen to gigScreenToGif - Record your screen, edit and save as a gif, video or other formatsSkipping for now
Power Toys
DB Beaverchoco install dbeaver
Windows terminal
ripgrepchoco install ripgrep