Install chocolately :
chocolately (to install the following packages) -y … accepts all installation changes Open open powershell as admin
Software Name | Command | |
Chrome | choco install -y googlechrome | |
Firefox | choco install -y firefox | |
Edge | ||
Notepad++ | choco install -y notepadplusplus | |
Lastpass | choco install -y lastpass | |
Office | Install office from | |
Onenote | choco install -y onenote | |
Teams | choco install -y microsoft-teams.install | |
Onedrive for business | ||
GIT | choco install -y git | |
Git extension | choco install -y gitextensions | |
Adobe Acrobat Reader | choco install -y adobereader | |
7zip | choco install -y 7zip.install | |
VLC | choco install -y vlc | |
Putty | choco install -y putty.install | Skip for now … use mobaXTerm |
Skype | choco install -y skype | |
Teamviewer | choco install -y teamviewer | |
Python3 | choco install -y python3 | Skipping for now | | choco install -y | |
WinDirStat | choco install -y windirstat | |
Spotify | choco install -y spotify | Automatically installs? |
R | choco install -y r.project | Skipping for now |
R studio | choco install -y | Skippping for now |
Beyond Compare | choco install -y beyondcompare | |
MobaXterm | choco install -y mobaxterm | |
Selium | choco install -y selenium-chrome-driver | Skipping for now |
Hugo | choco install -y hugo | Skipping for now |
Visual studio Code | choco install -y vscode.install | CREATE AN INSTALLATION LIST OF PLUGINS |
Kodi | choco install -y kodi | Skipping for now |
Doxygen | choco install -y doxygen.portable | Skipping for now |
Zotero | choco install -y zotero | |
Agentransack | choco install -y agentransack | |
Visual studio | choco install -y visualstudio2019community | |
Path Copy Copy | choco install -y path-copy-copy | |
Filezilla | choco install -y filezilla | |
RIOT | ||
irfan | choco install -y irfanview | |
SQLlite | | Skipping for now |
choco install -y sqlitebrowser | ||
Anaconda | choco install –y anaconda3 | CREATE AN INSTALLATION LIST OF PACKAGES |
nodejs | choco install -y nodejs | Skipping for now |
Yarn | ||
HTTrack | choco install -y httrack | Skipping for now |
WSL | wsl –install | |
trackingtime | | Skipping for now |
Screen to gig | ScreenToGif - Record your screen, edit and save as a gif, video or other formats | Skipping for now |
Power Toys | ||
DB Beaver | choco install dbeaver | |
Postman | ||
Windows terminal | ||
ripgrep | choco install ripgrep |